
Why You Should Hire a Freelancer

Helping businesses one project at a time

Why You Should Hire a Freelancer

It’s no secret that the so-called “gig-economy” is taking off – and for good reason! Businesses everywhere are realizing the benefits of foregoing the traditional full-time office staff in favor of an army of freelancers, especially when it comes to the more creative aspects of business such as copywriting and graphic design. Here are a few reasons why your next hire should be a freelancer.

Freelancers Can Save You Money

Full-time employees are just that: full time. You have to provide them with enough work to justify their salary. But not everything that your business does requires someone’s full attention. Especially in smaller businesses, things like marketing, content creation, and website management might not be enough to take up 40 hours per week, but that doesn’t mean those tasks are any less important.

Most businesses would get a current employee to pull double or even triple duty; believe me, I’ve been there. At one point in my professional career, I was the farm manager, trailer rental coordinator, billing manager, customer service associate, social media manager, web developer, content creator, and copywriter all for the same company! It might sound ridiculous, but I get it: we didn’t have enough online content justify a full-time position.

That’s when you need a freelancer! A freelancer is someone who can come in, do a specific job, and leave. You don’t have to pay them a full-time salary, offer benefits, or contribute to their 401k. With a freelancer, there’s no overhead cost! Reach out when you need help, save your money when you don’t.

You’ll Get Only the Best Talent

No matter how specific their services, freelancers are experts at what they do because it’s all they do. Even if someone claims to be a freelance mousepad writer, you can bet that he or she is writing about mousepads enough every day to make a living, and they are undeniably an expert.

There are thousands and thousands of freelancers out there, performing every manner of service that you could possibly need. Hiring a freelancer means you have access to the best and most versatile team that you could possibly wish for. Pick and choose freelancer(s) depending on the services you need, and your team will never be outmatched.

Gives You Time to Focus on Other Things

Many small business owners don’t have the funding to hire a full-time team, so many of the smaller duties fall to them, as if they aren’t busy enough. The more you have to do, the less time you have to focus on the high-level tasks that keep your business growing.

Outsourcing is the best way to take some of that off your plate. Freelancers can handle the smaller tasks like keeping up with a blog, taking promotional pictures, or writing your web copy, while you can focus all your attention on running your business.

Looking for a Freelancer?

No matter your need, there’s an expert freelancer out there ready to work as much or as little as you need. Freelancers are versatile, inexpensive, and experts in their field. There’s no other way to build such a diverse and experienced team for your business.

If you’re looking for a freelance copywriter to help you with your digital marketing projects, I’m always looking for more work! Feel free to contact me at any time for all of your writing, photography, and web design needs.

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