
Implementing Software into the Shop

Helping businesses one project at a time

Implementing Software into the Shop

Written for Moraware

Implementing Software into the Shop

It’s the digital age. There’s no doubt about it. And while countertop fabricators definitely like their tried-and-true analog methods, software is the new tool of the trade that can take your fabrication operation to the next level of speed, efficiency, and accuracy — so long as it’s implemented correctly.

Implementing new software is like adding a new piece of machinery to your shop. It’s not something you can just plonk down on the shop floor and expect everyone to understand how to use it. It takes time, energy, and planning to ensure your new software solutions are working to their full potential.

Before you hit that “download” button on your next countertop fabrication digital solution, it’s important to understand how to implement software into your shop to make the most impact.

Invest Time into Training and Learning the Software

I know, I know. You don’t have time to sit around and learn which buttons to click or menus to browse. You have a countertop fabrication business to run! But remember what wise old Abraham Lincoln has to say about the matter: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

Taking the time to learn about and train your employees on new software is like sharpening your axe. It might not be technically considered working (chopping down the tree), but it’ll make the work go much more smoothly once you start swinging. With a really sharp axe, that tree will come down in just a few hits. You’ll have your countertop fabrication operation running more efficiently in no time with fewer speedbumps (and unnecessary expenses) along the way.

The best thing you can do is just sit and learn the new software. Whether that involves clicking around randomly until you learn how everything works or learning from someone who might be a bit more tech-savvy, it’s never a waste of time working with new software.

This idea goes for everyone at your shop. Anyone who needs to use the software should be given the proper amount of time to learn the software. While it might hinder production for a while, your shop will come out more efficient once the training is through.

Of course, this begs the question, “How do I train someone else if I don’t have training myself!?” Well….

Understand the Resources Available (and Use Them)

Just about every countertop fabrication software comes with resources to help you learn how to use the tools — and if they don’t, you should look for better software!

When you start talking to a software provider or even during the free trial, be sure to ask what resources they have available. This could (and should) include anything from hands-on onboarding and support to a video or article database you can browse through.

Although most software providers offer this support, not all countertop fabricators take advantage of them. Remember? You’re too busy to sit and read articles or watch videos! But this is all part of sharpening your axe. Understanding the software inside and out is the first step of the implementation process, not something you gradually learn over time. Your software might be able to do something to immensely increase your shop’s efficiency. But if you don’t know about it, you can’t use it!

Use the available resources to completely understand the software before implementation, so you can use it to its full capacity. New software is an investment, not a cost. Implementing new software without using the educational resources is like investing money in the stock market without doing any research: Your money isn’t going to go as far as it should.

Get Everyone on Board

Nobody likes change. Even people who say they like change don’t entirely like change. It’s human nature. We get used to doing things a certain way, and whenever someone comes up to us and says, “Hey, we’re going to do it this way from now on,” we let out a little grumble and perhaps even an eye roll.

Implementing software is a change. You were used to fabricating countertops a certain way, and now the software is going to change all of that. It’ll definitely make it easier and more efficient, but it’s still change nonetheless. There’s probably going to be some resistance, which is why it’s essential to get everyone on board with the changes before they happen.

Before even deciding on a countertop fabrication software solution, talk to your team — especially those who will actually be using the software. See what kinds of things they find annoying with the current processes, what they’d like to see improved, and if they have any ideas about tools they think would be helpful. Use their input during your research phase into new software.

Then, once you find a software solution you think will work, bring your team back in to take a look. Let them play with it during the trial to see if they like the changes and tools or if they have any hesitations.

Just asking your team their opinion about the changes is typically enough to get them on board. When it feels like a group decision, you’ll meet less resistance (and grumbles and eye rolls) during implementation.

Know How Your Processes Will Adapt to Growth

You don’t want your countertop fabrication business to stay the same size forever. You want to grow! But growth can be a death sentence for companies if they’re not ready for it. Software solutions are supposed to streamline your processes and boost efficiency, but only if your processes are sustainable.

When implementing software, it’s important to understand your processes and how they’ll adapt as you grow. Are they sustainable? If the answer is no, then you might (definitely) have to come up with some something else.

There are plenty of obvious processes that come about when implementing software. For example, your software might have an invoicing feature. All you have to do is click a button, and the invoice is automatically emailed to the customer. Then, you can follow your existing accounting processes of adding the invoice to your books, updating your ledgers, printing receipts, and so on.

That might be the obvious solution, but it might not be the right one. All those steps can become tedious with the more customers you get. But if you dig a little deeper into your software, it might offer an integration to your accounting software. Then, not only does the invoice get sent to the customer, but all the accounting information transfers right over without the extra steps. Now that’s sustainable!

You might have had those accounting processes in place, but they weren’t the best solution in the long-term. Whenever you implement new software, keep the future in the forefront of your mind. Always think about sustainability.

Software Is a Tool, Not a Fix — Never Stop Improving

Unfortunately, implementing new software isn’t a magic solution that’ll fix all your countertop fabrication shop’s problems — no matter how much we wish it would be. It’s a tool that needs to be used correctly and optimized over time.

A hammer is better at putting nails into a board than your bare hand, but if you swing it incorrectly, you’ll still end up hurting your fingers! You have to work on your technique if you want to drive the nail in on the first swing every time, and that’s exactly how you have to think of your software implementation.

No matter how much training or poking around you do in the beginning, the truth of the matter is that you won’t be completely efficient with any software right at implementation. Be flexible with your approach and always keep an eye out for ways to improve your processes. Every business is unique. You might use the same software as the company down the street, but the processes that work for their shop might not be best for yours.

No matter how good you think your processes are, never stop improving. Look for new ways to utilize the software you have to improve your manufacturing processes. You might never reach perfect efficiency, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to try!

Ready to Push Your Shop Forward with New Software?

There’s no doubt that software is the best way to promote efficiency in your countertop fabrication shop, but it has to be implemented correctly. Don’t just hit the download button and expect the world the change in an instant. But with a little time, effort, and forethought, you can implement a software solution that can maximize your shop’s efficiency and save you money — and perhaps even prevent a few headaches in the process.